Hip replacement

Classmates Rally as Skydiving Teen Returns Home to North Texas

Classmates Rally as Skydiving Teen Returns Home to North Texas
Makenzie Wethington of Joshua was released from an Oklahoma City hospital and will continue her recovery from skydiving injuries at a rehab center in the DFW area. Skydiving Teen Released… Continue reading

Giving Hope Through Hip Replacement

Giving hope through hip replacement
"I understand it's the second best surgery for giving people their life back after open heart surgery." Cook's pain was so harsh, he couldn't even … for the better once he has completed physical therapy… Continue reading

Identifying Cognitive and Demographic Variables That Contribute to Carer Burden in Dementia.

Identifying Cognitive and Demographic Variables That Contribute to Carer Burden in Dementia.

Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2013 May 23; 36(1-2): 43-49
Miller LA, Mioshi E, Savage S, Lah S, Hodges JR, Piguet O

Background/Aims: Carer burden has been associated… Continue reading

Total Hip Replacement in Dancers.

Total hip replacement in dancers.

Clin Rheumatol. 2013 Apr 16;
Buyls IR, Rietveld AB, Ourila T, Emerton ME, Bird HA

A case report of a professional contemporary dancer who successfully returned to the stage after bilateral total hip replacements… Continue reading

Pain Reporting, Opiate Dosing, and the Adverse Effects of Opiates After Hip or Knee Replacement in Patients 60 Years Old or Older.

Pain reporting, opiate dosing, and the adverse effects of opiates after hip or knee replacement in patients 60 years old or older.

Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2012 Mar; 3(1): 3-7
Petre BM, Roxbury CR, McCallum JR, Defontes KW, Belkoff… Continue reading

Total Hip Replacement in an Ipsilateral Above-the-Knee Amputation: Surgical Technique, Rehabilitation, and Review of the Literature.

Total Hip Replacement in an Ipsilateral Above-the-Knee Amputation: Surgical Technique, Rehabilitation, and Review of the Literature.

Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2013 Feb 26;
Malagelada F, Coll Rivas M, Jiménez Obach A, Auleda J, Guirao L, Pleguezuelos E

In… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: Management of Bone Defects in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty.

Management of bone defects in revision total knee arthroplasty.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Instr Course Lect. 2013; 62: 341-8
Daines BK, Dennis DA

Many treatment options are available to manage bone loss associated with revision total knee arthroplasty. Selection… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: The NHV Rehabilitation Services Program Improves Long-Term Physical Functioning in Survivors of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: A Longitudinal Quasi Experiment.

The NHV Rehabilitation Services Program Improves Long-Term Physical Functioning in Survivors of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: A Longitudinal Quasi Experiment.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

PLoS One. 2013; 8(1): e53995
Zhang X, Reinhardt JD, Gosney JE, Li J

Long-term disability… Continue reading

Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery – Rehab Center With Paola Cedeno Part 1


Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery – Rehab Center with Paola Cedeno Part 1 – First day at the rehabilitation center. A little snip of me walking.


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Filed under: list of rehab centers

The list contained 1,279… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: NADPH Oxidase 1 Mediates ?-Synucleinopathy in Parkinson’s Disease.

NADPH Oxidase 1 Mediates ?-Synucleinopathy in Parkinson’s Disease.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

J Neurosci. 2012 Oct 17; 32(42): 14465-14477
Cristóvão AC, Guhathakurta S, Bok E, Je G, Yoo SD, Choi DH, Kim YS

Accumulation of misfolded ?-synuclein is the… Continue reading