Eating Disorders Soar: One Woman’s Campaign for Women to Cherish Themselves
Eating Disorders Soar: One Woman’s Campaign for Women to Cherish Themselves — From 40% of 9-10 year old girls have tried to lose weight, 78% of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies1, and 37% o…
Professor… Continue reading
Eating Disorder Inpatient?
Question by sammygine: Eating disorder Inpatient?
Im going in to an inpatient program for eating disorders in two weeks..i want to know whats it like?..can you exercise?.. do you have to stay overnight?..what if you don’t eat?/
Best… Continue reading
Eating Disorder…….?
Question by someheartsx323: eating disorder…….?
I used to have disordered eating, I would starve, binge then purge by running. I have been free from my problem for three months and my summer was absolutely amazing. It is… Continue reading
Doctors on Call: Eating Disorders Have Negative Effects on a Critical Body Part
Doctors on Call: Eating disorders have negative effects on a critical body part
Every new year, millions of Americans make the pledge to diet, exercise and lose weight. In some individuals, however, these good intentions become pathological and develop into… Continue reading
What Are Some Similarities Between Anorexia and Compulsive Eating Disorder?
Question by Sarah Jo: What are some similarities between anorexia and compulsive eating disorder?
(I am 14, and i weigh 130 lb. I know this is a normal weight for a girl my age, but i exercise allot)… Continue reading
Knowing the Warning Signs of Depression
Knowing the warning signs of depression
They're more likely to be hospitalized and go to the emergency room and just do worse overall.” The key to avoiding the more severe complications of depression and … “Usually, whenever we see patients… Continue reading
Hello Doctor Ep 13 – Interview Eating Disorders
Hello Doctor Ep 13 – Interview Eating Disorders — Former Miss-SA Claudia Henkel visits us in the Hello Doctor set to talk about her struggle with Anorexia. Later we are joined by Occupational Therapist, Debb…
Doctors on Call: Eating disorders… Continue reading
Binge Eating Disorder?
Question by Jen: Binge eating disorder?
I am an 18 year old female, 5’0, about 20 pounds over the “normal” weight for my height (I was an athlete all my life until my… Continue reading
My Psychologist Diagnosed Me With “Major Depression” After Our First Session. He’s Insisting I Take Medication?
Question by .: My psychologist diagnosed me with “Major Depression” after our first session. He’s insisting I take medication?
He claims if i dont take medication that there is a “high risk” i will commit suicide?
Is this true of… Continue reading
The Problem With #Thinspiration
The problem with #thinspiration
That is immediately followed by the helpline and link to the US-based National Eating Disorder Association. Scrolling down the page, you'll see motivational messages to lose weight and keep fit, lists of healthy snacks, exercise tips… Continue reading