manic depressive illness

Depression Treatment: Suicidal Feelings in the Twilight of Life: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based Study of 97-Year-Olds.

Suicidal feelings in the twilight of life: a cross-sectional population-based study of 97-year-olds.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

BMJ Open. 2013; 3(2):
Fässberg MM, Ostling S, Börjesson-Hanson A, Skoog I, Wærn M

To examine the occurrence of past month suicidal… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Sustained Inflammation 1.5 Years Post-Stroke Is Not Associated With Depression in Elderly Stroke Survivors.

Sustained inflammation 1.5 years post-stroke is not associated with depression in elderly stroke survivors.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Clin Interv Aging. 2013; 8: 69-74
Noonan K, Crewther SG, Carey LM, Pascoe MC, Linden T

Depression is common in elderly… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Psychological Morbidity Among Female Commercial Sex Workers With Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Psychological morbidity among female commercial sex workers with alcohol and drug abuse.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Indian J Psychiatry. 2012 10; 54(4): 349-351
Pandiyan K, Chandrasekhar H, Madhusudhan S

INTRODUCTION: Substance abuse may act as precursors and also can… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Sleep Disorders and Associated Medical Comorbidities in Active Duty Military Personnel.

Sleep Disorders and Associated Medical Comorbidities in Active Duty Military Personnel.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Sleep. 2013; 36(2): 167-174
Mysliwiec V, McGraw L, Pierce R, Smith P, Trapp B, Roth BJ

STUDY OBJECTIVES: Describe the prevalence of sleep disorders… Continue reading

Association of Intern and Resident Burnout With Self-Reported Medical Errors.

Association of Intern and Resident Burnout with Self-Reported Medical Errors.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Korean J Fam Med. 2013 Jan; 34(1): 36-42
Kang EK, Lihm HS, Kong EH

BACKGROUND: Burnout is a common problem for interns and residents. It… Continue reading

Concordance of Psychiatric Symptom Ratings Between a Subject and Informant, Relevancy to Post-Mortem Research.

Concordance of psychiatric symptom ratings between a subject and informant, relevancy to post-mortem research.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Transl Psychiatry. 2013; 3: e214
Thompson PM, Bernardo CG, Cruz DA, Ketchum NS, Michalek JE

Investigators are interested in determining whether… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: The Relationship Between Cognitive Function and Physical Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The Relationship Between Cognitive Function and Physical Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

J Rheumatol. 2013 Jan 15;
Shin SY, Julian L, Katz P

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between cognitive impairment and functional limitations and disability… Continue reading

The Flinders Sensitive Line Rat Model of Depression–25 Years and Still Producing.

The flinders sensitive line rat model of depression–25 years and still producing.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Pharmacol Rev. 2013; 65(1): 143-55
Overstreet DH, Wegener G

Approximately 25 years have passed since the first publication suggesting the Flinders sensitive line… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Surface Spin-Glass, Large Surface Anisotropy, and Depression of Magnetocaloric Effect in La(0.8)Ca(0.2)MnO(3) Nanoparticles.

Surface spin-glass, large surface anisotropy, and depression of magnetocaloric effect in La(0.8)Ca(0.2)MnO(3) nanoparticles.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

J Appl Phys. 2012 Dec 15; 112(12): 123903
Xi SB, Lu WJ, Wu HY, Tong P, Sun YP

The surface magnetic behavior… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Incidence and Predictors of Depression in Non-Demented Primary Care Attenders Aged 75 Years and Older: Results From a 3-Year Follow-Up Study.

Incidence and predictors of depression in non-demented primary care attenders aged 75 years and older: results from a 3-year follow-up study.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Age Ageing. 2013 Jan 11;
Weyerer S, Eifflaender-Gorfer S, Wiese B, Luppa M, Pentzek… Continue reading