mortality risk

Spirituality-Based Recovery From Drug Addiction in the Twelve-Step Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous.

Spirituality-Based Recovery From Drug Addiction in the Twelve-Step Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous.

J Addict Med. 2013 Apr 19;
Galanter M, Dermatis H, Post S, Sampson C

BACKGROUND:: Narcotics Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship that employs the Twelve-Step model for… Continue reading

Depressive Symptoms and All-Cause Mortality in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study With Time-Varying Covariates.

Depressive Symptoms and All-Cause Mortality in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study With Time-Varying Covariates.

Psychosom Med. 2013 Mar 26;
Houle JN

ObjectiveThis study aimed to examine the relationship between depressive symptoms and all-cause mortality in a longitudinal study with… Continue reading

A Two Year Longitudinal Outcome Study of Addicted Health Care Professionals: An Investigation of the Role of Personality Variables.

A two year longitudinal outcome study of addicted health care professionals: an investigation of the role of personality variables.

Subst Abuse. 2013; 7: 49-60
Angres D, Bologeorges S, Chou J

The co-morbidity of personality disorders (PDs) and other dysregulatory… Continue reading

Double Trouble: Does Co-Morbid Chronic Somatic Illness Increase Risk for Recurrence in Depression? a Systematic Review.

Double trouble: does co-morbid chronic somatic illness increase risk for recurrence in depression? A systematic review.

PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e57510
Kok GD, Bockting CL, Burger H, Hannig W, Pijnenborg GH, Cuijpers P, Hollon SD

To perform a systematic… Continue reading

Interpersonal Learning Is Associated With Improved Self-Esteem in Group Psychotherapy for Women With Binge Eating Disorder.

Interpersonal Learning Is Associated With Improved Self-Esteem in Group Psychotherapy for Women With Binge Eating Disorder.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Psychotherapy (Chic). 2013 Feb 11;
Gallagher ME, Tasca GA, Ritchie K, Balfour L, Maxwell H, Bissada H

Yalom and… Continue reading

Temporal Organization as a Therapeutic Target.

Temporal organization as a therapeutic target.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012 Dec; 14(4): 335-7
Wirz-Justice A

Biological functions occur at many different frequencies, and each has its healthy and pathological ranges, patterns, and properties. Physiology, biochemistry,… Continue reading

Recent Advances in Treating Multiple Sclerosis: Efficacy, Risks and Place in Therapy.

Recent advances in treating multiple sclerosis: efficacy, risks and place in therapy.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2013 Jan; 4(1): 45-51
Jeffery DR

The development of new pharmacologic agents for the treatment of multiple… Continue reading

Four New Patients With Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez Syndrome and Proposed Diagnostic Criteria.

Four new patients with Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome and proposed diagnostic criteria.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Jan 4;
Rush ET, Adam MP, Clark RD, Curry C, Hartmann JE, Dobyns WB, Olney AH

Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez syndrome (GLHS)… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: Attendance at Cardiac Rehabilitation Is Associated With Lower All-Cause Mortality After 14 Years of Follow-Up.

Attendance at cardiac rehabilitation is associated with lower all-cause mortality after 14 years of follow-up.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Heart. 2012 Dec 4;
Beauchamp A, Worcester M, Ng A, Murphy B, Tatoulis J, Grigg L, Newman R, Goble A… Continue reading