Nursing home

Marvel Man in Need of a Superhero: As Rocket Raccoon Is Poised to Earn

Marvel man in need of a superhero: As Rocket Raccoon is poised to earn
Now 63, he is a permanent resident of the spartan Queens-Nassau Rehabilitation Center and Nursing Home in Queens, New York. His family says that even… Continue reading

Commissioners Approve Bond to Finance CRNC Rehab Center Renovation

Commissioners approve bond to finance CRNC rehab center renovation
CARLISLE — In a 2-to-1 vote Thursday, Cumberland County Commissioners approved bond financing for planned renovations at the Claremont Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center. The news … “We have been attempting… Continue reading

Holder Pushes States to Allow Ex-Convicts to Vote, Affecting 2.2 Million

Holder Pushes States to Allow Ex-Convicts to Vote, Affecting 2.2 Million
In a speech at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., Holder continued his efforts to reform the criminal justice system to work better for African-Americans, such as… Continue reading

Pastor David McDowell

Pastor David McDowell
1, 2014, at Kinnic Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center in River Falls, Wis. He went to meet … He graduated from Kingsford High School, Northern Michigan University and North Park Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity… Continue reading

Beware of Some Ohio Rehabilitation Centers!

Beware of Some Ohio Rehabilitation Centers!
To find a certified Ohio rehabilitation center just call: (888) 652 6549 With so many ohio rehabilitation centers you have to be careful as to which one you …



Over 800 Christmas… Continue reading

Joyful Noise: People With Parkinson's, Brain Disorders Find Fellowship

Joyful noise: People with Parkinson's, brain disorders find fellowship
Other performances were for a Parkinson's support group and at Rosewood on Broadway, a nursing home where one of the group's former member lives. “It's major for us, but …… Continue reading

Ring in 2014 at Dance

Ring in 2014 at dance
Nursing home news: Martin Foret is the Broadway Elder Living and Rehabilitation Center's resident of the month. LaShawn Williams is the center's employee of the month. Upcoming events include Family Night at 5 p.m. Dec.… Continue reading

What to Expect From New York Rehab Centers

What To Expect From New York Rehab Centers
Learn about services offered by rehab centers in New York? With services like kidney dialysis and nursing home therapy, you can expect top quality care! Lear…



'Affluenza' gets Texas teen… Continue reading

Hypoxia Boosts Walking Ability in Spinal Cord Patients

Hypoxia Boosts Walking Ability in Spinal Cord Patients
Asked to comment, Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD, professor, neurosurgery, University of Toronto, and medical director, Krembil Neuroscience Centre, Toronto Western Hospital, Ontario, Canada, said it was "a very nicely done" study… Continue reading

MOWTE Keeps Clients Healthy With Community Help

MOWTE keeps clients healthy with community help
… to MOWTE include the Visiting Nurse Association; Mercer Street Friends through its home health aides, social workers in senior apartment complexes, the Mercer County Board of Social Services, hospitals, nursing home and… Continue reading