Teenage Depression? Please Read?
Question by an error occurred: Teenage depression? please read?
I recently turned 13 and I believe I have depression. I’m not sure, though. But lately I’ve had many signs of depression. I’ll list a few, and maybe you could tell… Continue reading
Important Controversies Associated With Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne.
Important Controversies Associated with Isotretinoin Therapy for Acne.
Am J Clin Dermatol. 2013 Apr 5;
Wolverton SE, Harper JC
Isotretinoin is a remarkably effective drug for severe, recalcitrant acne vulgaris. Soon after the drug’s release in the early 1980s,… Continue reading
What Factors Influence Older People in the Decision to Relinquish Their Driver’s Licence? a Discrete Choice Experiment.
What factors influence older people in the decision to relinquish their driver’s licence? A discrete choice experiment.
Accid Anal Prev. 2013 Mar 5; 55C: 178-184
McNamara A, Chen G, George S, Walker R, Ratcliffe J
PURPOSE: To investigate the… Continue reading
Neuropsychological and Socio-Occupational Functioning in Young Psychiatric Outpatients: A Longitudinal Investigation.
Neuropsychological and socio-occupational functioning in young psychiatric outpatients: a longitudinal investigation.
PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e58176
Lee RS, Hermens DF, Redoblado-Hodge MA, Naismith SL, Porter MA, Kaur M, White D, Scott EM, Hickie IB
Clinical symptoms and neuropsychological deficits… Continue reading
Birth Cohort Changes in the Depressive Symptoms of Chinese Older Adults: A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis.
Birth cohort changes in the depressive symptoms of Chinese older adults: a cross-temporal meta-analysis.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Feb 18;
Shao J, Li D, Zhang D, Zhang L, Zhang Q, Qi X
OBJECTIVE: With… Continue reading