Old age

” the Crisis of Elderly Depression and What We Need to Do”


” The Crisis of Elderly Depression and what we need to do” – youtu.be Youtube video on the crisis of elderly depression and what we need to do as providers and how to promote awareness


Depression… Continue reading

Heterogeneity of Elderly Depression: Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and A? Protein Metabolism.

Heterogeneity of elderly depression: Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and A? protein metabolism.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 28;
Namekawa Y, Baba H, Maeshima H, Nakano Y, Satomura E, Takebayashi N, Nomoto H, Suzuki… Continue reading

Elderly Suicide PSA


Elderly Suicide PSA – Elderly Suicide PSA. I made this for a class presentation and noticed when doing research there are very few PSA’s to bring awareness of the group with the highest risk for suicide, the elderly (over… Continue reading

I Am Looking for a Natural Way to Treat Oppositinal Defiance Disorder Any Ideas?

Question by Jubalee: I am looking for a natural way to treat oppositinal defiance disorder any ideas?
I have a 6 year old daughter who is ADHD and ODD. Her doctor has
her on aderall… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Pediatricians’ Self-Reported Role in Treating Children and Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorder: A National Random Survey.

Pediatricians’ Self-Reported Role in Treating Children and Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorder: A National Random Survey.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2012; 14(4):
Pfalzgraf AR, Scott V, Makela EH, Hartsock SL, Kavookjian J, Miller LA… Continue reading

Acquired Inhibitors: A Special Case of Bleeding in Older Adults.

Acquired inhibitors: a special case of bleeding in older adults.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2012; 2012: 308109
Stefanacci RG

This literature review is intended to familiarize physicians and healthcare providers of older adults… Continue reading

Depression in the Elderly


Depression in the Elderly – Depression is not a side effect of aging. Dr. Stephen Hall, Clinical Professor of psychiatry at UCSF, explores the evaluation and treatment of depressive disorders in the elderly. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Factors Associated With Suicidal Thoughts in a Large Community Study of Older Adults.

Factors associated with suicidal thoughts in a large community study of older adults.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Br J Psychiatry. 2012 Dec; 201: 466-72
Almeida OP, Draper B, Snowdon J, Lautenschlager NT, Pirkis J, Byrne G, Sim M, Stocks… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: What Predicts Persistent Depression in Older Adults Across Europe? Utility of Clinical and Neuropsychological Predictors From the SHARE Study.

What predicts persistent depression in older adults across Europe? Utility of clinical and neuropsychological predictors from the SHARE study.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

J Affect Disord. 2012 Nov 19;
Gallagher D, Savva GM, Kenny R, Lawlor BA

BACKGROUND: Depression… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: Dietary Patterns and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review of Cohort Studies (2000-2011).

Dietary patterns and risk of colorectal cancer: a systematic review of cohort studies (2000-2011).

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2012; 13(9): 4713-7
Yusof AS, Isa ZM, Shah SA

Objectives: This systematic review of cohort studies… Continue reading