prostate cancer

After 64 Years Working on the Railroad, Oldest US Dispatcher to Retire

...  64 years working on the railroad, oldest US dispatcher to retire But treatment for prostate cancer has left his right leg numb, making it increasingly difficult to get around the rail operations center in Kearny. “He was almost like… Continue reading

An Autoclavable Steerable Cannula Manual Deployment Device: Design and Accuracy Analysis.

...  50 years. A major obstacle in this pipeline is the dearth of biomarkers available to prove a patient has responded to an experimental therapeutic intervention. This review will summarize the challenges faced in the discovery and validation of lupus… Continue reading

North Central Community Calendar — July 11-17

...  Central Community Calendar — July 11-17 Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is a chronic neuromuscular autoimmune disorder that causes varying degrees of weakness involving the voluntary muscles of the body. Those afflicted and caregivers are welcome. Visit: Overeaters Anonymous has… Continue reading

Potential Use of Custirsen to Treat Prostate Cancer.

...  use of custirsen to treat prostate cancer. Onco Targets Ther. 2013; 6: 785-97Higano CS Over the last few years, five agents have demonstrated a survival benefit over a comparator treatment or placebo in the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant… Continue reading

Examination of Proposed DSM-5 Changes to Pathological Gambling in a Helpline Sample.

...  adverse consequences.Lowered thresholds may lead to earlier provision of treatment to gamblers and prevent escalation of the disorder, while being more consistent with diagnostic thresholds of other addiction disorders. HubMed – addiction   DSM-5: Call for Commentaries on Gender… Continue reading

Guidance for New Motivational Interviewing Trainers When Training Addiction Professionals: Findings From a Survey of Experienced Trainers.

...  from health care centers (OR, 7.393; 95% CI, 1.32 to 41.22; p=0.023) had an increased risk of ciprofloxacin resistance compared with the matched controls.Ciprofloxacin is no longer a recommended therapy for E. faecalis from complicated UTI in men with… Continue reading

Improving the Validity and Reliability of a Health Promotion Survey for Physical Therapists.

...  Transfer within the Canadian Chiropractic Community. Part 1: Understanding Evidence-Practice Gaps. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2013 Jun; 57(2): 111-5Kawchuk G, Bruno P, Busse JW, Bussières A, Erwin M, Passmore S, Srbely J HubMed – rehab   [Stress incontinence after… Continue reading

Evaluating Baculovirus as a Vector for Human Prostate Cancer Gene Therapy.

...  baculovirus as a vector for human prostate cancer gene therapy. PLoS One. 2013; 8(6): e65557Swift SL, Rivera GC, Dussupt V, Leadley RM, Hudson LC, Ma de Ridder C, Kraaij R, Burns JE, Maitland NJ, Georgopoulos LJ Gene therapy represents… Continue reading

Postradiation Osteosarcoma in an Older Prostate Cancer Survivor: Case Study and Literature Review With Emphasis on Geriatric Principles.

...  osteosarcoma in an older prostate cancer survivor: case study and literature review with emphasis on geriatric principles. Case Rep Oncol. 2013 May; 6(2): 250-5Gumber D, Rodin M, Wildes TM The aging population and the increasing number of cancer survivors… Continue reading

Do Hormone Treatments for Prostate Cancer Cause Anxiety and Depression?

...  hormone treatments for prostate cancer cause anxiety and depression? Int J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun 1; Sharpley CF, Christie DR, Bitsika V BACKGROUND: To investigate the relationship between hormone therapy (HT) and incidence of anxiety and depression among prostate… Continue reading