psychiatric medications

Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Complicated by Comorbid Eating Disorders.

Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Complicated by Comorbid Eating Disorders.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Cogn Behav Ther. 2013 Jan 15;
Simpson HB, Wetterneck CT, Cahill SP, Steinglass JE, Franklin ME, Leonard RC, Weltzin TE, Riemann BC

Purpose: Eating disorders and… Continue reading

Who Should I Tell That I Take Psychiatric Medications?

Question by Telescope Galaxy: Who should I tell that I take psychiatric medications?
I’m not taking anything yet, but soon I’m going to start taking antidepressants and most likely low-dose mood stabilizers too. Depression, anxiety, and mild bipolar disorder.… Continue reading

Effective Medications for Depression


Effective Medications For Depression – Courtesy of Antidepressants are best described as psychiatric medications used to alleviate mood disorders, such as major depression and dysthymia and anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder. Drugs including the monoamine oxidase… Continue reading

Employment Medical Check: Do I Say I Had Depression at One Point?

Question by michelle: Employment medical check: do I say I had depression at one point?
Was offered a job overseas. They say I have to pass medical check before I can sign the contract. The medical… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: Impulse Control and Related Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease.

Impulse Control and Related Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Neurodegener Dis. 2012 Oct 3;
Weintraub D, Nirenberg MJ

Impulse control disorders (ICDs), such as compulsive gambling, buying, sexual behavior, and eating, are a serious and increasingly… Continue reading