Depression Treatment: Depressive Symptomatology, Exercise Adherence, and Fitness Are Associated With Reduced Cognitive Performance in Heart Failure.
Depressive Symptomatology, Exercise Adherence, and Fitness Are Associated With Reduced Cognitive Performance in Heart Failure.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Aging Health. 2013 Jan 31;
Alosco ML, Spitznagel MB, van Dulmen M, Raz N, Cohen R, Sweet LH, Colbert… Continue reading
[Can Family Meals Protect Adolescents From Obesity?]
[Can family meals protect adolescents from obesity?]
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Med Wieku Rozwoj. 2012; 16(4): 313-321
Tabak I, Jodkowska M, Oblaci?ska A, Mikiel-Kostyra K
Aim: To analyse the relationship between the frequency of family meals and the body… Continue reading
Eating Disorders: Knowledge and Attitudes of Psychiatrists Towards Eating Disorders.
Knowledge and attitudes of psychiatrists towards eating disorders.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2013 Jan; 21(1): 84-8
Jones WR, Saeidi S, Morgan JF
This study examined the eating disorder mental health literacy of psychiatrists.A sample of… Continue reading
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa and Dialysis: We Have No Time When the Body Is So Damaged!
Anorexia nervosa and dialysis: we have no time when the body is so damaged!
Filed under: Eating Disorders
BMJ Case Rep. 2013; 2013:
Osório E, Milheiro I, Brandão I, Roma Torres A
Anorexia nervosa remains challenging to treat and… Continue reading
Addiction Rehab: Analysis of a Novel 8.9 Kb Cryptic Plasmid From Bacteroides Uniformis, Its Long-Term Stability and Spread Within Human Microbiota.
Analysis of a novel 8.9 kb cryptic plasmid from Bacteroides uniformis, its long-term stability and spread within human microbiota.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Plasmid. 2012 Nov 28;
Shkoporov AN, Khokhlova EV, Kulagina EV, Smeianov VV, Kuchmiy AA, Kafarskaya LI,… Continue reading
The Incidence of Trismus and Long-Term Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer.
The incidence of trismus and long-term impact on health-related quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Acta Oncol. 2012 Nov 29;
Pauli N, Johnson J, Finizia C, Andréll P
Background. Trismus is… Continue reading
Drug and Alcohol Detox for New Jersey Rehabilitation
Drug and Alcohol Detox for New Jersey Rehabilitation – Drinking is a dangerous habit- before you know it, you can feel like you need it. For detox from , New Jersey residents, our centers have the support and therapy… Continue reading
Real-World Evaluation of the Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health Assessment System.
Real-World Evaluation of the Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health Assessment System.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Can J Psychiatry. 2012 Nov; 57(11): 687-695
Urbanoski KA, Mulsant BH, Willett P, Ehtesham S, Rush B
Objective: We evaluated the Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health… Continue reading