St. Louis

How Long to People Stay in Rehab for Depression?

Question by molly: How long to people stay in rehab for depression?
Just wondering.. On average how long would it be before they came back to school? (This person cut themself but they were caught). Please… Continue reading

St. Louis Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse


St. Louis Treatment for drug and alcohol abuse – Midwest Institute for Addiciton is a top St. Louis treatment center offering the very best in therapy and care. MIA is evidence based, medically assisted, ou…


The daily battle… Continue reading

[Addicted Colleagues: A Blind Spot Amongst Physicians?].

[Addicted colleagues: a blind spot amongst physicians?].

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2013; 157(23): A5718
Rode H, de Rond M, Dam I

Physician impairment due to substance abuse or dependence is at least as prevalent as amongst non-physicians and is a… Continue reading

Friendships and Eating Disorders, Pt 2


Friendships and Eating Disorders, Pt 2


Issa: State Department 'withholding information' on Benghazi
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on Tuesday accused the Obama administration of “withholding information” about the Benghazi terror attack. The California Republican… Continue reading

I Need Your Help for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2013/NEDA 2013 (Read Description)


I need your help for Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2013/NEDA 2013 (Read Description) – Follow me on Twitter at @smetin92 Please submit videos to [email protected] (this is not my email address, so i won’t reply to messages – if… Continue reading

St. Louis Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse


St. Louis Treatment for drug and alcohol abuse – Midwest Institute for Addiciton is a top St. Louis treatment center offering the very best in therapy and care. MIA is evidence based, medically assisted, ou…


detox facility in… Continue reading

Rehab Centers in New York | Rehab Facilities in New York |Rehab Centers in New York


Rehab Centers in New York | Rehab Facilities in New York |Rehab Centers in New York – Rehab Centers in New York help you get you life back. Rehab Facilities in New York help people in getting detox… Continue reading

Eating Away at Depression


Eating Away at Depression – Depressive sympto…


Most Dementia Patients Can Safely Stop Antipsychotics – Medscape
In addition to agitation, aggression, and hallucinations, symptoms of NPS can include anxiety, apathy, depression, delusions, wandering, repetitive vocalizations, and… Continue reading

Residential Treatment Center St Louis, Eating Disorder Treatment


Residential Treatment Center St Louis, Eating Disorder Treatment – Residential treatment center St. Louis, Missouri. Eating disorder treatment at Castlewood; treating anore…


Community Calendar
… Nashua, N.H.: Endoscopy Lecture & Suite Tour, Tues., March 19, 6-8 p.m.;… Continue reading

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center in St. Louis, Missouri


Alcohol and drug treatment center in St. Louis, Missouri – Testimonial from family member of client at Midwest Institute for Addiction.


Fraternities worse than Animal House fail to pay for casualties
The nonprofit organizations often protect their growing… Continue reading