People Helping People
People Helping People
The Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society, a nonprofit, no-kill cat shelter, needs volunteer help for cat care in the Salisbury adoption center, administrative tasks and special events, and feral cat feeders (volunteers ages 15 and older), as… Continue reading
Depression Symptoms
Depression Symptoms – Learn about depression symptoms, depression treatment and signs … The signs of depression in men may be different. Know…
Video games do not make vulnerable teens more violent
Video games do not make vulnerable… Continue reading
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Urban Elementary School Children in Northeastern Romania: Its Relationship With Socioeconomic Status and Associated Dietary and Lifestyle Factors.
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in urban elementary school children in northeastern romania: its relationship with socioeconomic status and associated dietary and lifestyle factors.
Biomed Res Int. 2013; 2013: 537451
Mocanu V
The purpose of this paper is to… Continue reading
Victimization Experiences, Substance Misuse, and Mental Health Problems in Relation to Risk for Lethality Among African American and African Caribbean Women.
Victimization Experiences, Substance Misuse, and Mental Health Problems in Relation to Risk for Lethality Among African American and African Caribbean Women.
J Interpers Violence. 2013 Aug 7;
Sabri B, Stockman JK, Bertrand DR, Campbell DW, Callwood GB, Campbell JC… Continue reading
Sensitivity to Theta-Burst Timing Permits LTP in Dorsal Striatal Adult Brain Slice.
Sensitivity to theta-burst timing permits LTP in dorsal striatal adult brain slice.
J Neurophysiol. 2013 Aug 7;
Hawes SL, Gillani F, Evans RC, Benkert EA, Blackwell KT
Long term potentiation (LTP) of excitatory afferents to the dorsal striatum likely… Continue reading
Association Between Moment of the Undergraduate Course and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in University Students.
Association between moment of the undergraduate course and cardiovascular risk factors in university students.
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2013 Jun; 21(3): 687-94
Gasparotto Gda S, Gasparotto LP, Rossi LM, Moreira NB, Bontorin Mde S, Campos Wd
This study aimed… Continue reading
Exercise During Pregnancy: The Role of Obstetric Providers.
Exercise during pregnancy: the role of obstetric providers.
J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2013 Aug; 113(8): 612-9
May LE, Suminski RR, Linklater ER, Jahnke S, Glaros AG
Obstetric providers are logical choices for conveying information about physical activity to their… Continue reading
Addictive Behaviors Related to Opioid Use for Chronic Pain: A Population-Based Study.
Addictive behaviors related to opioid use for chronic pain: A population-based study.
Pain. 2013 Jul 29;
Højsted J, Ekholm O, Kurita GP, Juel K, Sjøgren P
The growing body of research showing increased opioid use in patients with chronic… Continue reading