The Guardian

Demi Lovato Accuses Lady Gaga of 'glamorising' Eating Disorders

Demi Lovato accuses Lady Gaga of 'glamorising' eating disorders
Demi Lovato has accused Lady Gaga of “glamorising eat[ing] disorders” at a recent SXSW concert. The Heart Attack singer, who was previously treated for bulimia, questioned Gaga's on-stage collaboration with “professional… Continue reading

Should Adult Swimmers Receive More Lessons?

Should adult swimmers receive more lessons?
Six Physio, a London-based chain of clinics, is so keen to ensure that when their clients hit the pool for rehab they don't do more harm than good that they refer them for a… Continue reading

'Biggest Loser' Weight Loss Debate

'Biggest Loser' weight loss debate
“I am very healthy,” she told People Magazine after being asked whether she had an eating disorder. … As a former Marine and exercise enthusiast, my first reaction to hearing of new plans to place… Continue reading

UK Scientists Found the First Biomarker for Boys at Risk of Major Depression

UK Scientists Found The First Biomarker For Boys At Risk Of Major Depression
LONDON (Reuters) – British brain scientists have identified the first biomarker, or biological signpost, for clinical depression and say it could help find boys in particular who… Continue reading

Ke$Ha Cancels Tour Dates to Extend Stay at Rehab Centre

Ke$ ha cancels tour dates to extend stay at rehab centre
Photograph: Christopher Polk/Getty Images for Clear Channel. Ke$ ha has extended her stay at a Chicago … In an interview with People magazine, Sebert claimed that Ke$ ha "almost… Continue reading

Depression Tips 1: Seek Help

Depression Tips 1: Seek Help
Hey everyone, this is my first video, and hopefully there will be many more (and better quality) where this came from. In this first episode I give you a bas…



Meet Andrei Tanichev… Continue reading

Are All Psychological Therapies Equally Effective? Don't Ask the Dodo

Are all psychological therapies equally effective? Don't ask the dodo
This makes the results of a study of treatments for the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, published this month in the American Journal of Psychiatry, all the more convincing. Bulimia is… Continue reading

How to Overcome Depression Naturally

How to Overcome Depression Naturally
Video series produced by Certified Wellness Coach, Beverly Taylor on natural methods for treating depression.



Switching to healthier eating may cost you more
Slightly more than 6 percent of U.S. teens take prescription… Continue reading

'Suicide With the Approval of Society': Belgian Activist Warns of Slippery

'Suicide with the approval of society': Belgian activist warns of slippery
But towards the end of the talk by Belgian physician Wim Distelmans, Ms. Liekens stood to ask a question: Is euthanasia available to young people tired of being… Continue reading

UNC Joins NFLPA for Program to Help Fmr Players

UNC Joins NFLPA For Program To Help Fmr Players
Athletes can experience problems ranging from musculoskeletal pain that has led to lifestyle changes and psychological problems, chronic headaches and other post-concussion signs and symptoms, increased episodes of sadness, irritability or… Continue reading