Prevalence of Obesity Among Military Personnel in Saudi Arabia and Associated Risk Factors.
Prevalence of obesity among military personnel in Saudi Arabia and associated risk factors.
Saudi Med J. 2013 Apr; 34(4): 401-7
Bin Horaib G, Al-Khashan HI, Mishriky AM, Selim MA, Alnowaiser N, Binsaeed AA, Alawad AD, Al-Asmari AK, Alqumaizi K… Continue reading
5 Smiles: Help Keep Depression at Bay.
5 Smiles: Help keep depression at bay. – This is my first Video, hopefully one that might help a few people. It includes a strategy I am using to cope with depression and will hopefully encourage ot…
Depression… Continue reading
Anxiety and Depression Association of America-P4A 2012
Anxiety and Depression Association of America-P4A 2012 – To donate or find out more about this cause, check out I made this video as part of the Project for Awesome 2012! To find out more about…
Buzzing… Continue reading
Stuttering Interneurons Generate Fast and Robust Inhibition Onto Projection Neurons With Low Capacity of Short Term Modulation in Mouse Lateral Amygdala.
Stuttering Interneurons Generate Fast and Robust Inhibition onto Projection Neurons with Low Capacity of Short Term Modulation in Mouse Lateral Amygdala.
PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e60154
Song C, Xu XB, He Y, Liu ZP, Wang M, Zhang X, Li… Continue reading
Depression Hotline Commercial
Depression Hotline Commercial – FINALLY found the “commercial” for the project we did for English class… what, last year? Took me long enough. Awesome video, if I do say so myself…. eve…
Police Advice On Suicides
According to… Continue reading
The Broken Mirror
The Broken Mirror – This original production was inspired by many people, events, and memories. When we first began our work as a team on this project, we knew we wanted to do a puppet show Regarding what, we… Continue reading
Rapid and Selective Access to Three Distinct Sets of Indole-Based Heterocycles From a Single Set of Ugi-Adducts Under Microwave Heating.
Rapid and selective access to three distinct sets of indole-based heterocycles from a single set of Ugi-adducts under microwave heating.
Chem Commun (Camb). 2013 Mar 1;
Zhang L, Zhao F, Zheng M, Zhai Y, Liu H
Three distinct sets… Continue reading
Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado | Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado
Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado | Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado – Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado has alcohol, drug, and prescription drugs rehab centers in Colorado, along with detoxification, therapy, sober living, and more. Call 877-281-6143 http… Continue reading
Christian Drug Treatment Center
Christian Drug Treatment Center – Transformations Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers offers substance abuse treatment and has one of the top programs in the country for Christian Treatment, Christian drug treatment, christian alcohol rehabilitation. Christian treatment utilizes the… Continue reading
Anti-Depressant Effects of Aqueous Extract From Acanthopanax Senticosus in Mice.
Anti-depressant Effects of Aqueous Extract from Acanthopanax senticosus in Mice.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Phytother Res. 2013 Feb 18;
Jin L, Wu F, Li X, Li H, Du C, Jiang Q, You J, Li S, Xu Y
In this… Continue reading