Philip Seymour Hoffman Cast as a Victim of 'disease'
Philip Seymour Hoffman cast as a victim of 'disease'
“There is no cure for addiction, which is a chronic disease, the same as diabetes, asthma and heart disease,” Janina Kean, president and CEO of High Watch Recovery Center in Connecticut,… Continue reading
Im14 and Depression Ruined My Life:/.details Inside Please Help:(?
Question by J?: im14 and depression ruined my life:/.details inside please help:(?
well what hapened, i had depression after my grandad died earlier last year in march, and it was the second time i had depression, and it was alot… Continue reading
Thoughts on a Mentally Abusive/Painful Ex-Relationship (Help!)?
Question by dylanfan7: Thoughts On A Mentally Abusive/Painful Ex-Relationship (Help!)?
Hey everyone,
I use Yahoo Answers whenever I feel the need to vent the tough questions to complete strangers, as a stranger. I suppose that’s one beauty of the internet… Continue reading
How Can I Get Rid of a Stress Headache?
Question by StephO: How can I get rid of a stress headache?
I have been getting headaches that range from minor to major pain. I have the feeling they are from stress. How can I get rid of them? I… Continue reading
Making Rape Victims Relive Trauma Through Exposure Therapy Works, Study Says
Making rape victims relive trauma through exposure therapy works, study says
Girls who got exposure therapy also had much better scores on measures of depression and daily functioning than girls who got conventional counseling. It's common to think that offering… Continue reading
Fox Hill, the Rest of the Story
Fox Hill, The Rest Of The Story
This letter is not against rehabs in Camden, rather, my effort to speak regarding the zoning changes, and the alleged benefits to the town if such a change is allowed. When I arrived… Continue reading
Her Cross to Bear: The Story Behind the Street Preacher Trying to Save UTC
Her cross to bear: The story behind the street preacher trying to save UTC
Street preacher Angela Cummings has waded through Seattle rainstorms and yelled over partygoers in New Orleans. She cleans her wiry brown hair in … Just meters… Continue reading
Teenage Bodybuilders at Risk for Drug Abuse
Teenage bodybuilders at risk for drug abuse
According to Field, boys concerned with thinness but not muscularity were more likely to develop symptoms of depression, while boys concerned with muscularity and being thin were more likely to use drugs. Boys… Continue reading
New Salvation Army Captains Make Piqua Their New Home
New Salvation Army captains make Piqua their new home
During that time the Dolders assisted the Salvation Army in many different ways, from working with adult rehabilitation centers for those with drug or alcohol addictions to helping opening up a… Continue reading