White matter

Rapid Buildup of Brain White Matter Hyperintensities Over 4 Years Linked to Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Mobility, Cognition, and Depression in Old Persons.

Rapid Buildup of Brain White Matter Hyperintensities Over 4 Years Linked to Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Mobility, Cognition, and Depression in Old Persons.

J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Jun 13;
Wolfson L, Wakefield DB, Moscufo N, Kaplan… Continue reading

Gap Junctions and Biophysical Regulation of Bone Cells.

Gap Junctions and Biophysical Regulation of Bone Cells.

Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab. 2010 Dec 1; 8(4): 189-200
Lloyd SA, Donahue HJ

Communication between osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes is integral to their ability to build and maintain the skeletal… Continue reading

Imbalance in the Sensitivity to Different Types of Rewards in Pathological Gambling.

Imbalance in the sensitivity to different types of rewards in pathological gambling.

Brain. 2013 Jun 11;
Sescousse G, Barbalat G, Domenech P, Dreher JC

Pathological gambling is an addictive disorder characterized by a persistent and compulsive desire to engage… Continue reading

Depressive Symptoms and White Matter Dysfunction in Retired NFL Players With Concussion History.

Depressive symptoms and white matter dysfunction in retired NFL players with concussion history.

Neurology. 2013 May 24;
Strain J, Didehbani N, Cullum CM, Mansinghani S, Conover H, Kraut MA, Hart J, Womack KB

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether correlates of… Continue reading

Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Obstetric Patients Requiring Mechanical Ventilation in Colombia.

Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Obstetric Patients Requiring Mechanical Ventilation in Colombia.

Chest. 2012 Oct 1; 142(4_MeetingAbstracts): 787A
Rojas-Suarez J, Dueñas C, Paternina A, Miranda J, Castillo E, Bourjeily G

SESSION TYPE: Physiology/PFTs/ Rehabilitation IPRESENTED ON: Sunday, October 21,… Continue reading

Life-Review Interventions as Psychotherapeutic Techniques in Psychotraumatology.

Life-review interventions as psychotherapeutic techniques in psychotraumatology.

Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2013; 4:
Maercker A, Bachem R

Life-review interventions (LRI) are psychotherapeutic techniques originally derived from gerontology, which can be distinguished from other biographical and reminiscing techniques. They have been… Continue reading

Psychiatric Disorder and Incessant Tachyarrhythmia in a Child.

Psychiatric Disorder and Incessant Tachyarrhythmia in a Child.

Case Rep Pediatr. 2013; 2013: 572301
Chau P, Moore J

The case of a 14-year-old female with ectopic atrial tachycardia who had been followed for a history of anxiety and depression… Continue reading

Stereotactic Surgery for Eating Disorders.

Stereotactic surgery for eating disorders.

Surg Neurol Int. 2013; 4(Suppl 3): S164-9
Sun B, Liu W


Randomized Trial Demonstrates That Extended-Release Epidural Morphine May Provide Safe Pain Control for Lumbar Surgery Patients.

Randomized trial demonstrates that extended-release epidural morphine may provide safe pain control for lumbar surgery patients.

Surg Neurol Int. 2013; 4(Suppl 2): S51-7
Offley SC, Coyne E, Horodyski M, Rubery PT, Zeidman SM, Rechtine GR

Safe and effective postoperative… Continue reading

Teen Eating Disorder Treatment – Advice to Other Teens – Center for Discovery


Teen Eating Disorder Treatment – Advice to other teens – Center for Discovery – A client of Center for Discovery offers her advice to other teens dealing with eating disorders. Center for Discovery provides residential eating disorder tr…

 … Continue reading