young adult

New Addiction Helpline Offers Assistance to Young Adults in Oswego, NY

New Addiction Helpline Offers Assistance to Young Adults in Oswego, NY
The new helpline provides callers with reliable information on addiction recovery facilities and the treatment programs available to teenage addicts. By calling (315) 805-4133, young adults can speak directly… Continue reading

My Boyfriend Just Got Out of Rehab…now What?

Question by SPSP: My boyfriend just got out of rehab…now what?
So I’ve been on and off dating this guy Mark for about three years now. The only times we had ever “taken a break” (the off part) was when… Continue reading

The Biggest Lessons I've Learned From Managing Anxiety

The Biggest Lessons I've Learned from Managing Anxiety
S. Six million Americans have panic disorder. Forty million have an anxiety disorder. …. She's also found that eating protein, vegetables, and fruit significantly diminishes her anxiety. So has removing gluten and… Continue reading

New Rehab Helpline Strives to Provide Teens With Addiction Help

New Rehab Helpline Strives to Provide Teens with Addiction Help
New Rehab Helpline Strives to Provide Teens with Addiction Help. Greenfield Adolescent Rehab Helpline, a new rehab helpline in Greenfield, MA, provides teen addicts with information on recovery and treatment… Continue reading

How to Cope With Depression During the Holiday Season – Whether You Have

How To Cope With Depression During The Holiday Season – Whether You Have
… or their peer relationships,” Haight says. Adults with depression also may have digestive issues, such as queasiness, nausea, and diarrhea. Some digestive disorders, such as… Continue reading

Alzheimer's Hotline Busier During Holiday Season

Alzheimer's hotline busier during holiday season
Nationally, that gives cause for a 13 percent jump in hotline calls to the Association around Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas, she said. Sometimes a sibling has tried to explain what's going on, but the… Continue reading

Connecting Brain and Machine

Connecting Brain and Machine
In 1 report, Michael Goldfarb, PhD, professor, mechanical engineering, and professor, physical medicine and rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and colleagues describe components of the latest robotic leg technology. … In … Read more on Medscape… Continue reading

Getting to the Root of Eating Disorders

Getting to the Root of Eating Disorders
Preliminary studies testing a new technique called deep brain stimulation, used successfully to treat people with Parkinson's disease and obsessive-compulsive disorder, have suggested that this also may be effective in treating eating disorders.… Continue reading

Orleans Tentative Budget to Be Detailed Monday

Orleans tentative budget to be detailed Monday
The Villages of Orleans Health and Rehabilitation Center takes the next largest share of the tentative budget, with $ 12.721 million in appropriations. The budget anticipates $ 11.636 million in revenues, which would… Continue reading

I Can’t Forgive Myself for This, How Can I Get Past It?

Question by Lavendar: I can’t forgive myself for this, how can I get past it?
I used to have an eating disorder, so I lost a lot of weight (plus I exercised loads). People at school thought I was Anorexic,… Continue reading