The Diseases That Follow Depression
The Diseases that Follow Depression – Depression affects people of all ages including children, adolescents and elderly patients. Available treatments include psycotherapy, drug therapy and electroconvulsive therapy. Medications always make up the first remedy for this condition that most doctors offer. These drugs include tricyclic drugs such as amitriptyline. Another medication used is the Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors and the Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Antidepressants such as bupropion, trazodone and maprotiline are used. Other drugs such as anticonvulsants, anti-anxiety medications and antipsychotic medications are also used to treat this condition. Depression therapies such as ETC, psychotherapy and light therapy are also used. Herbal treatments have also found their way into depression treatments and they are more preferred due to their few side effects. These include ginkgo biloba, hyperforin, St. John wort and the 5HTP. Natural treatments such as exercise are also recommended in fighting the effects of this condition. Meditation and clarocet NRI may also be adopted as natural cures for depression. Other alternative treatments include aromatherapy, diet factors and vitamins. These help the body in regaining its harmony through a change in lifestyle.
Taking The Scenic Route to a BFP – Winter/Spring 2013 Edition
Filed under: depression therapies
Apparently magnesium (Epsom salt) is drained from your body during pregnancy – if you aren't getting enough it is (according to natural therapies) a huge cause if depression during and after pregnancy. At least it gives you another option ????… If you …
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Every child with learning disabilities needs attention
Filed under: depression therapies
Is that not a significant number of people going untreated for their learning disabilities, which could potentially lead to anxiety, depression or worse? The importance of treating people with learning disabilities is not about figures. … families …
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