The Interconnections Project: Development and Evaluation of a Community-Based Depression Program for African American Violence Survivors.
The Interconnections Project: Development and Evaluation of a Community-Based Depression Program for African American Violence Survivors.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Nov 13;
Nicolaidis C, Wahab S, Trimble J, Mejia A, Mitchell SR, Raymaker D, Thomas MJ, Timmons V, Waters AS
BACKGROUND: Multi-faceted depression care programs based within the healthcare system have been found to be effective, but may not fully address the needs of African American Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) survivors, many of whom are not seeking depression care in healthcare settings. OBJECTIVES: To develop and evaluate a multifaceted, community-based depression care program (the Interconnections Project) for African American women with a history of IPV. METHODS: We used a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to develop, implement, and evaluate the intervention. Participants were African American women who had current depressive symptoms and a lifetime history of IPV. They participated in a 6-month intervention where a peer advocate provided education, skills training, and case management services, and used Motivational Interviewing to support self-management behaviors. We conducted pre-intervention and post-intervention assessments using quantitative and qualitative data. RESULTS: Fifty-nine women participated, with 92 % attending any sessions and 51 % attending at least 6 h of intervention activities. Intervention changes made to better accommodate participants’ unpredictable schedules improved participation rates. Participants noted high levels of satisfaction with the program. There were significant improvements in depression severity (PHQ-9 13.9 to 7.9, p?0.001), self-efficacy, self-management behaviors, and self-esteem (all p?0.001), but no increase in use of antidepressants. Common themes related to why the program was helpful included that the program was by and for African American women, that it fostered trust, and that it taught self-management strategies with practical, lasting value. CONCLUSION: Culturally specific, community-based interventions led by peer advocates may be a promising way to help African American IPV survivors effectively address depression. HubMed – depression
Integrated Care: Treatment Initiation Following Positive Depression Screens.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Gen Intern Med. 2012 Nov 13;
Szymanski BR, Bohnert KM, Zivin K, McCarthy JF
BACKGROUND: Primary Care-Mental Health Integration (PC-MHI) may improve mental health services access and continuity of care. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether receipt of integrated PC-MHI services on the date of an initial positive depression screen influences receipt of depression treatment among primary care (PC) patients in the Veterans Health Administration. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SUBJECTS: Thirty-six thousand, two hundred and sixty-three PC patients with positive depression screens between October 1, 2009 and September 30, 2010. MAIN MEASURES: Subjects were assessed for depression diagnosis and initiation of antidepressants or psychotherapy on the screening day, within 12 weeks, and within 6 months. Among individuals with PC encounters on the screening day, setting of services received that day was categorized as PC only, PC-MHI, or Specialty Mental Health (SMH). Using multivariable generalized estimating equations (GEE) logistic regression, we assessed likelihood of treatment initiation, adjusting for demographic and clinical measures, including depression screening score. KEY RESULTS: Patients who received same-day PC-MHI services were more likely to initiate psychotherapy (OR: 8.16; 95 % CI: 6.54-10.17) and antidepressant medications (OR: 2.33, 95 % CI: 2.10-2.58) within 12 weeks than were those who received only PC services on the screening day. CONCLUSIONS: Receipt of same-day PC-MHI may facilitate timely receipt of depression treatment.
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Unique symptoms at midlife of women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease in Taiwan.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Menopause. 2012 Nov 12;
Wang HL, Tai MK, Hung HM, Chen CH
OBJECTIVE: This study compared symptoms at midlife, menopause attitudes, and depression among three groups of late peri- or postmenopausal women, namely, women with cardiovascular disease (CVD group), women with osteoporosis (Os group), and women in generally good health (Co group). METHODS: We used a cross-sectional method. Participants were purposively sampled from a medical center and a residential community in southern Taiwan. A total of 500 women between 45 and 60 years of age participated in the study. Four measures were used: a demographics and health habits questionnaire, the Women’s Health Initiative Symptom Scale, the Attitudes Towards Menopause Scale, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale. RESULTS: Significant demographic differences among the groups were found in age, number of children, educational level, family income, employment status, exercise duration per session, smoking status, daily cigarette consumption, and number of years smoking. After significant covariates had been controlled for, the CVD group reported significantly more severe symptoms at midlife than did the Co group; significantly more severe “psychosomatic symptoms” than did the Co group; and significantly more severe “gastrointestinal symptoms and swelling” and “vasomotor symptoms” than did either the Os group or the Co group. The CVD group also reported significantly greater depressive symptoms than did the Os group. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified a number of differences in symptoms at midlife and depressive symptoms among the three groups. Results support the importance of providing unique care for peri- and postmenopausal women in different health categories. Findings may help healthcare professionals better appreciate the diversity of menopausal experiences and support the development of appropriate care strategies.
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