The Karzai Enigma
The Karzai enigma
He's also said to often feel depressed, angry or unhappy, but those moods alternate with equally intense episodes of reckless euphoria and manic energy. If he were not the president of country at war his bizarre behavior might easily be interpreted as … Read more on Baltimore Sun
Sleep Drug Modafinil Could Be Used To Treat Depression
This may explain why adding it to traditional anti-depressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, has beneficial effects on the symptoms experienced by depressed patients." Dr Katherine Darton, information officer at mental health … Read more on Huffington Post UK
Modafinil + Anti-Depressants = Better Relief
This may explain why adding it to traditional anti-depressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, has beneficial effects on the symptoms experienced by depressed patients.” “This is good news for individuals struggling to fight … Read more on
Rock climbing for the first time yah!
At the YMCA haven some fun lol.