The Relationship Between Acculturative Stress and Eating Disorder Symptoms: Is It Unique From General Life Stress?
The relationship between acculturative stress and eating disorder symptoms: is it unique from general life stress?
J Behav Med. 2013 Mar 1;
Kroon Van Diest AM, Tartakovsky M, Stachon C, Pettit JW, Perez M
The purpose of the current study was to expand upon the literature examining the relationship between acculturative stress and eating disorder symptoms among different ethnic groups. Specifically, acculturative stress was explored as a moderator of the relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms among ethnic minority women. Additionally, the distinction between acculturative stress and general life stress in predicting eating disorder symptoms was assessed. Participants consisted of 247 undergraduate women, all of whom were members of an ethnic minority group including African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinas. Acculturative stress was found to moderate the relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms, but only among African American women. Acculturative stress was also found to significantly predict bulimic symptoms above and beyond general life stress among African American, Asian American, and Latina women. HubMed – eating
Parental concerns’ prevalence and socio-demographic variables in general parenting.
J Child Health Care. 2013 Mar 1;
Algarvio S, Isabel L, Maroco J
The aim of this study was to evaluate parental concerns in general parenting. The participants were 3842 parents of children between 3 and 10 years old, attending public preschools and primary schools, from a stratified random sample of Portuguese parents. Parents completed a parental concerns’ scale that comprises five subscales: family and school problems; eating, sleep and physical complaints; preparation; fears; and negative behaviours. The results reported that 93.4 per cent of parents expressed some concern about the issues presented in the scale. Comparative analysis reported significant differences between mothers and fathers; child’s gender; child’s schooling level; mothers’ and fathers’ level of education, age at childbirth, marital status, and employment status. These results may indicate that parental concerns are an expected aspect of parenting, and that they should be addressed in family practice. Moreover, the reported differences between groups pointed to the need to develop specific intervention strategies. HubMed – eating
Histological identification of muscular sarcocystis: A report of two cases.
Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2012 Oct; 55(4): 552-4
Makhija M
Sarcocystis is an apicomplexan protozoan belonging to same phylum as toxoplasma. The parasite encysts inside striated muscles of its intermediate host. Humans are accidental host infected by eating food or water contaminated with oocysts or sporocysts of an infected definitive host. The infection is increasing in Southeast Asia and may be overlooked in histological sections if one is not aware of the histomorphological features. The size and shape of the bradyzoites and the appearance of the cyst wall are the reliable features to distinguish this parasite from other parasites of the same phylum. The incidence of human infection is rising in Southeast Asia and histopathology is an important method for the diagnosis of muscular infection. It is important to recognize the histomorphology of this parasite and its differentiation from similar parasites. HubMed – eating