Three in One: Bingeing,Purging,Starving (The Cycle)
Three In One: Bingeing,Purging,Starving (The Cycle) – A brilliant 3 part *in your face honest approach* poem series on the sick cycle of binge = purge = starve. If you have ever dealt with a binge, complusive or emotional eating disorder, bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa (or tendencies of either of these or all three) then you may be able to relate to atleast one part of this piece. Caution: FOUL language used. See more at:
Christian pastor claims pet therapy with horses can cure homosexuals of their …
Filed under: emotional eating disorder
EAP is a form of pet therapy in which a person sorts out their own emotions by engaging in myriad activities with horses – from grooming and walking to playing games with the animal. It is conventionally used as a stop-gap for addressing everything …
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Obesity a chronic problem that's not easy to solve
Filed under: emotional eating disorder
Beckett says that once or twice a day he'd get in his car and "do the circuit" of various fast-food outlets in his area to get what he wanted, for fear that if he picked it all up at one place people would look down at him and judge how much he was …
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