Thyroxine, Shape, and Weight: Interaction of Graves’ Disease and Bulimia Nervosa.
Thyroxine, shape, and weight: interaction of Graves’ disease and bulimia nervosa.
Eat Weight Disord. 2013 Mar; 18(1): 99-101
Teufel M, Giel KE, Lehr J, Becker S, Muthig M, Zipfel S, Kuprion J
A case of a 25-year-old woman with bulimia nervosa and Graves’ disease is presented. Graves’ disease is the cause of 50-80 % of hyperthyroidism. The disease is characterized by increases of thyroid hormone production, activation of the metabolism, and successive weight loss. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by purging behavior after binge eating episodes.We report a patient suffering from both entities. A pronounced non-compliance to the intake of antithyroid drugs (Carbimazole) correlated with eating disorder symptoms like negative evaluation of the body and fear of weight gain. Thus, elevated hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease served as a purging method. During 8 weeks of inpatient psychotherapy, the patient adapted to a structured eating behavior. Self-esteem was less influenced by body shape and body weight, and compliance to endocrinological recommendations improved.Non-compliance to antithyroid drugs may be a symptom of an eating disorder. A careful and primarily non-confronting interdisciplinary diagnostic and treatment approach is required. HubMed – eating
Psychotic symptoms in a woman with severe Anorexia Nervosa : Psychotic symptoms in Anorexia Nervosa.
Eat Weight Disord. 2013 Mar; 18(1): 95-8
Delsedime N, Nicotra B, Giovannone MC, Marech L, Barosio M, Marzola E, Abbate-Daga G, Fassino S
With this paper we aimed to describe a case of a woman affected by Anorexia Nervosa Restricting subtype (AN-R) with delusional symptoms, visual hallucinations and severe body image distortion. We discussed the main AN diagnosis and whether delusional symptoms could be related to severity of AN describing also the use of olanzapine in such a severe clinical condition. The use of olanzapine was found to be effective to reduce both delusions and body distortions, and to improve compliance to treatments. We found a severe delusional symptomatology with mystic, omnipotence and persecution features. The psychotic structure seemed preceding the eating disorder and was also found to be worsened by emaciation. The use of antipsychotic helped reducing delusional symptoms and improving compliance to treatments. Finally, the dynamically oriented therapeutic relationship helped the patient to gain weight and to achieve a full recovery from psychotic symptoms. HubMed – eating
No evidence for effects of negative emotions on eating behaviour in overweight children.
Eat Weight Disord. 2013 Mar; 18(1): 91-3
Laessle RG, Schulz S
Negative emotions have been hypothesised to trigger a short-term eating pattern in the obese that leads to a high calorie intake. The present study induced emotions of different quality (negative, neutral, positive) and compared laboratory eating behaviour in overweight and normal weight children. No significant emotion related differences in cumulative food intake curves during a laboratory meal were found. Results point to an adequate regulation of hunger and satiety in children, which possibly cannot be maintained during adulthood. HubMed – eating
Inspiration for people with eating disorders by Debra Mittler – Lyrics to my song; She’s just a little girl, Wanting to shine her light, But instead she chose to conform to the likes of the world, She tried to hide hersel…