Treatment Center Questions for Depression?
Question by Sydney: Treatment center questions for Depression?
Okay so I feel so bad and depressed. I am
13 and have had this problem since I was in 3 rd grade. I wanted to look into Timberline Knolls for treatment but I was wondering can you just submit yourself without a doctors or therapist approval? Like I’ve been to therapy but i hated it so much cuz the time I would have problems I would’ve have a session soon & it never helped me. So I mean do you have to have a Dr approval? Am I making any sense? Like will they accept you into the program without having therapists and drs sign it?
Best answer:
Answer by theronguard2382
Try smoking weed it helped me
Answer by Jaded Ruby
You need you PARENTS consent. Foremost, you need to be working with your parents on whether you need to be admitted to a treatment facility. Many treatment facilities require insurance coverage and will need your parents to sign ALOT of paperwork as well as getting prior history about your situation. You cannot just walk up to a place and say, “Hey, I’m depressed…..let me in.” You are a minor and therefore need to be speaking to and with your parents about everything. The ONLY eway you are admitted to a mental health facility irregardless is if you are “deemed” a risk to yourself or to others. You know what I mean by that. Before you even think of using that as a ticket in….the TYPE of facility you would be admitted to is none to pretty and I don’t think it starts with a “Timberline…” It sounds like you heard of that place through friends or word of mouth….but before you shop around for a cushy facility you’d like to sit back and relax and have some nice group therapy sessions in…I think you need to re-elvaluate the why’s and how’s of in patient facilities. Usually kids are not admitted for depression and depression alone. It is a last resort when nothing else has worked and the patiend is in a downward spiral…and usually the people AROUND the patient are deciding this. You really need to talk to a psychologist FIRST and be evaluated, THEY and they alone will decide if you require in-patient treatment.
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MAYWOOD, Ill. – New insights into the physiological causes of depression are leading to treatments beyond common antidepressants such as Prozac and Zoloft, according to an evidence-based report in the journal Current Psychiatry. Depression … Based in …
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