Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and the Head Impulse Test.
Vestibulo-ocular reflex and the head impulse test.
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Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2012 Dec; 70(12): 942-4
Maranhão ET, Maranhão-Filho P
The authors highlights the importance of the vestibulo-ocular reflex examination through the head impulse test as a diagnostic method for vestibular dysfunction as well as, and primarily, a bedside semiotic resource capable of differentiating between acute peripheral vestibulopathy and a cerebellar or brainstem infarction in emergency rooms.
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The perspectives of educators, regulators and funders of massage therapy on the state of the profession in British Columbia, Canada.
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Chiropr Man Therap. 2013 Jan 7; 21(1): 2
Shroff FM, Sahota IS
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are valuable members of the healthcare team who assist in health promotion, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation and palliation. RMT visits have increased across Canada over the past decade with the highest increase in British Columbia (BC). Currently, RMTs are private practitioners of healthcare operating within a largely publicly funded system, positioning them outside of the dominant system of healthcare and making them an important case study in private healthcare. In another paper we examined the perspectives of RMTs themselves. Here, we offer perspectives of regulators, educators and funders of Massage Therapy (MT) on advancement of the profession. METHODS: We interviewed 28 stakeholders of MT in BC — including members of the MT regulatory board, representatives from MT colleges in BC and public and private health insurers. RESULTS: All three groups identified research, particularly on efficacy of MT, as playing a vital role in enhancing the professional credibility of MT. However, participants noted that presently research is not a large feature of the current MT curricula and we analyze why this may be and how it can improve. Finally, conferral of baccalaureate degree status could assist RMTs in gaining recognition with the general public and other healthcare professionals. CONCLUSION: RMTs have potential to ameliorate population health in a cost-effective manner. Their role in British Columbia’s healthcare landscape could be expanded if they produce more research and earn degree status.
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Direct Admission to Intermediate Care for Older Adults With Reactivated Chronic Diseases as an Alternative to Conventional Hospitalization.
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J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2013 Jan 4;
Colprim D, Martin R, Parer M, Prieto J, Espinosa L, Inzitari M
BACKGROUND: When reactivations of chronic diseases cannot be managed at home, postacute intermediate-care geriatric units (ICGUs) might provide adequate and specialized support to primary care, based on comprehensive geriatric assessment and rehabilitation. OBJECTIVES: To explore if direct admission to ICGUs of older adults with reactivated chronic diseases or acute common conditions superimposed to chronic diseases might be an alternative clinical pathway to conventional acute hospitalization followed by intermediate care rehabilitation. METHODS: Quasiexperimental pilot study. We compared characteristics at admission and outcomes at discharge between two groups admitted to our ICGU: the first one admitted directly, and the second one admitted to complete treatment and rehabilitation after discharge from acute hospital. RESULTS: Sixty-five patients from the same primary care area (mean age ± SD 85.6 ± 7.2, 66% women) were admitted to the ICGU for the same main diagnostics, mainly reactivation of heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 32 directly from home (DA) and 33 following acute hospital discharge (HD). Baseline clinical, functional, and social characteristics, as well as outcomes at discharge, including mortality and acute transfers, were comparable between groups. Global length of stay was significantly higher in HD, compared with DA (60.8 ± 26.6 vs 38.4 ± 23 days, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: From our preliminary results, direct admission to geriatric intermediate care units might represent a potential alternative to acute hospitalization for selected older patients. HubMed – rehab
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