What Are Some Help Options for Teens Who Cut Themselves?

Question by : What are some help options for teens who cut themselves?
I am a teenage girl who cuts her self. At first I didn’t really care about anything but doing what I thought would”help” me. I’m diagnosed with depression and an anxiety disorder. After I was diagnosed I went on medication but after awhile the meds didn’t seem to work anymore and I was dealing with more stress from school, friend issues and family problems so I began to cut even more. Recently has been the worse I cut more often and deeper than I used to. I’m ashamed of it, and the scars. I want to get some help and stop cutting for good. If you can please offer some suggestions I would be very greatfull. Thank you.

P.S. I’m already attending therapy, my friends aren’t much help(I’ve tried going to them before but they don’t understand my point of view), and my family is helpful but I’m looking for some outside resources.(I.e maybe an online group for teens to talk to other teens who cut and help eachother and what not)

Once again thank you and please be nice

Best answer:

Answer by Gurl4Ever
God can help you. You can give Him all of your problems and cares and you will feel like the whole world has been lifted off your back. He loves you nd wants you to be happy. Just ask Him for help…He will hear you nd help you out.

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