What Are the Signs of Depressions in Kids Under 5?
Question by NATALIEC: what are the signs of depressions in kids under 5?
my husband deployed a month ago and our 4 year old daughter seems to be depressed not just sad and missing her dad. depression runs in the family? what are the signs of true depression in young kids and is there a “test” i can take to see if she needs professional help dealing with her feelings.
Best answer:
Answer by KMcG
is it possible for your husband to use skype where he is. That way she could see and talk to him. Call the base they may have some program for kids that are suffering from a parent being deployed.
Answer by Nicole
Not socializing with other kids their age, hanging out by themselves only alot, not even interested in playing with their parents anymore, or going out & trying to do something fun that they would enjoy. Just basically not enjoying any of the stuff she use to enjoy doing when your husband was there. I wouldn’t recommnend medication for a child that young. My personally opinioin & it is a proven fact once you get on a anti-depressant your chances automatically decrese by 50% for getting off of it. Say she is one of the lucky 50% & does get off of it, & this happens again her chances of staying on a anti-depressant the rest of her life is probably more like near 90%. Thearpy would be my best suggeestion. Maybe they could help her understand that daddy is not gone forever just he is serving our country so we all can have all the freedom we have, Explain to her that w/out people like daddy (even maybe show some pictures of some 3rd world contries) we could be living like that & have to struggle just to eat cearal (or whatever) in the morning. I don’t know, i’m 26 w/a 4 year old & depression runs in my family & I just kinda know what to look for. Not everything just some signs. Not a professional just learn from expierence & reading! Good luck to u & god bless!!
Orthopedic Test – SHOULDER DEPRESSION TEST – MASSAGENERD: MassageNerd.com FACEBOOK FaceBook.com TWITTER: Twitter.com MYSPACE: MySpace.com ISTARDOM: iStardom.com YOUTUBE: YouTube.com FACEBOOK GROUP: tinyurl.com
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