What Are the Statistics of Having an Eating Disorder?
Question by SeaYouAtTheBeach: What are the statistics of having an eating disorder?
What are the statistics of girls with eating disorders? How many of them that start dieting at age 13-14 get an eating disorder? What percent?
Maybe I should have put it this way: What are the chances of a person who started dieting at age 13 getting an eating disorder? i.e.(this isn’t true but just an example of the kind of answer I’m looking for)—20% of people who start dieting at age 13 get an eating disorder…
Best answer:
Answer by Harold T
dont know does it run in the family
Answer by Kelly
Almost all of us have it in the US. Food is too good and there is too much of it. Maybe you should look at France.
Eating Disorder Awareness and Statistics — I decided to make this as a little awareness video, its a serious problem throughout the world and i think people need to know what its really like. The song…
In Recognition of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Another lesser known fact is that the mortality rates for eating and food issues, particularly anorexia, are significant—in fact, they have the highest rate of fatality of all mental health conditions. Restrictive or disordered eating and excessive …
Read more on GoodTherapy.org (blog)
Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Bringing a hidden problem into the light
Despite this knowledge, statistics from the UK's leading eating disorder charity, Beat, indicate that not enough is being done at universities to prevent and help eating disorders. In the largest survey of its kind, Beat's results showed that 57 per …
Read more on The Independent