What Are the Symptoms of Severe Depression?

Question by Nazia: What are the symptoms of severe depression?
What are the symptoms of severe depression?

Best answer:

Answer by kelly
no motivation
no interest in anything
loss of concentration
loss of energy and feeling like your life is pointless
feeling unhappy with yourself
not caring
isolating yourself not taking part in activities

Answer by Ava
Depression is diagnosed only when a youth exhibits a number of symptoms every day, most of the day, for at least two weeks. A relatively brief bout is referred to as a depressive episode. Dysthymia, a more chronic form of mild or moderate depression, is diagnosed when symptoms persist for at least a year with no more than two months of relief. In either case, what are some common symptoms of depression?*
Sudden change in mood and behavior. The previously docile teen suddenly is confrontational. Rebellious behavior and even running away from home are common among depressed teens.
Social isolation. The depressed adolescent withdraws from friends. Or it may be that friends withdraw from the depressed youth, noticing an undesirable change in his or her attitude and behavior.
Diminished interest in almost all activities. The teen is unusually passive. Hobbies that were just recently considered intriguing are now perceived as boring.
Notable change in eating habits. Many experts feel that disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating often coexist with (and may at times be caused by) depression.
Sleep problems. The teen sleeps either too little or too much. Some develop confused sleeping habits, being up all night and sleeping throughout the day.
Drop in academic performance. The depressed adolescent has problems getting along with teachers and peers, and grades begin to plummet. Soon the teen is reluctant to go to school at all.
Risky or self-destructive acts. Behaviors that ‘cheat death’ may show that a youth has little interest in living. Self-mutilation (such as cutting the skin) may also be a symptom.
Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt. The teen becomes highly self-critical, feeling like a complete failure, even though the facts may indicate otherwise.
Psychosomatic problems. When no physical cause can be found, headaches, back pain, stomachaches, and similar problems may indicate underlying depression.
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide. A preoccupation with morbid themes can point to depression. So can suicidal threats.

See the full article at the link below.

First biomarker could help boys at risk of major depression
He said armed with such knowledge, doctors and other carers could target prevention strategies at depression-vulnerable boys and "hopefully help reduce their risk of serious episodes of depression and their consequences in adult life". According to the …
Read more on Reuters

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