What Happens When You Overdose on Propofol?
Question by Michael: What happens when you overdose on Propofol?
I need to know because I’m doing a project in anatomy on Propofol. whenever I look on other websites all they say is that, “This is unlikely to occur because the drug [Propofol] is administered at a hospital.” However, this does not help me. Does anyone know Specifically what happens when a patient overdoses on Propofol (With emphasis on the Neurons and GABA receptors.) Thanks!!!
Best answer:
Answer by lawmed
Propofol (Diprovan) is a potent sedative hypnotic of very short duration of action (short half life). The effects of propofol are dose dependent, meaning the larger the dose the more pronounced the effect. Smaller doses will produce light to deep sedation with increasing doses producing complete unresponsiveness and general anesthesia. The deeper level of unconsciousness produced, the greater the respiratory depression created. At doses producing anesthesia, breathing stops entirely and must be assisted.
The definition of an “overdose” is dependent on what desired effect existed. When sedating someone, administration of propofol until they stop breathing would be over dosing. If an individual were abusing the drug by self administering it and they became unconscious and stopped breathing that would be an OD. But if administering anesthesia these same doses would not be overdoses.
So, if you give enough the patient stops breathing. Whether this is an overdose depends on the situation.
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