What Is Postpartum Depression (PPD)?


What is Postpartum Depression (PPD)? – www.WellPostpartum.com Postpartum depression symptoms can feel like a nightmare. I am so sorry you are feeling this way, or are concerned about a loved one. …


New mothers with babies ages 2-16 weeks can get information and support in this group. Discussion topics include caring for baby, understanding changes in mother's body and powerful hormones during the postpartum period. The Mommy and Baby Care … Read more on The Jersey Journal – NJ.com

When motherhood brings the blues
He believes that postpartum depression is underreported due to reluctance among mothers to seek professional help. “Unfortunately with postpartum some people believe it to be baby blues and figure they're just going to get over it on their own,” said Haas. Read more on Hinton Parklander

High Levels Of Hormone May Lead To Postpartum Depression
A study has found a link between high levels of a hormone, and the development of postpartum depression following a pregnancy. Researchers have been led by Ilona S. Yim from the University of California, Irvine. The study was carried out by looking at … Read more on Toronto NewsFIX

'Call Me Crazy': Jennifer Hudson and Ashley Judd among famous faces
She received help and is very clear about distinguishing among schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, all in the film. In "Grace" Melissa Leo plays a loving mom who is bipolar and whose daughter (Sarah … Read more on Zap2it.com (blog)