What Would You Do in This Situation if This Was You?

Question by Gage G: what would you do in this situation if this was you?
ok I have been married for a year and a half, my wife that is 23, has had a pill addiction for about a yr of it that I know about, she went to a counselor/ group meetings for it on her own free will, she stopped the prescription medicine she was taking so much of, but like most addicts (including myself) she started drinking to make up for not taking the pills anymore. long story short, she was kicked out of “rehab” (for the lack of a better way to put it) cause she was showing up smelling like vodka and they wanted her to start AA meetings and she refused saying she don’t have a drinking problem. so now she is up to a bottle a day more or less and popping any pills she can get her hands on; Tylenol PM advil, our 18Month old sons prescriptions,
ETC… I have tried to sit down with her and discuss my concerns, but all that happens is she gets instantly mad and screams she don’t do this stuff and she don’t have a problem and now she try’s to hide all of this. This isn’t just me seeing the problems cause she has been caught trying to steal one of the neighbors meds (take a few out of her bottle when she isn’t looking type of thing, but the owner of them didn’t trust my wife cause she could see through her lies and stuff, and had counted them) I have found empty vodka bottles under the seat of my car and in the garbage cans. I don’t drink and we are the only two that could put them in the garbage…..

I really do love her and don’t want to see her kill herself or allow this addiction to break us up, but at the same time I can’t have our young son around this either. I am permanently disabled so I barely have an income to support myself not counting a child too, but I am the only one that takes care of him and his daily activity’s (diaper changes, baths, meals, Dr visits, ETC…) and her paycheck is going to buying over the counter drugs and alcohol and who know what else, cause the bills are not getting paid now cause of this.

I need advice and would be very grateful for any constructive help that I can get….

a desperate husband and toddler

Best answer:

Answer by ah-ight

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!




“New Life” Documentary Preview – New Life USA is a FREE drug and alcohol rehab ministry located in Cabool, Missouri. The New Life documentary is a part of the Building a Difference TV series and will be released soon. For more info visit newlifeusarecovery.org. For more about the documentary http


100 felony cases filed in Pittsburg County in 2012

Filed under: free drug and alcohol rehab

By Rachel Petersen Staff Writer McALESTER — More than 100 felony cases have been filed in Pittsburg County District Court this year and more than half of those cases are directly related to drugs, alcohol and addiction. On March 14 (Wednesday), …
Read more on Mcalester News Capital


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