Question by Heidi 4: Why are cigarettes taxed & alcoholics & drug abusers receiving S.S. Disability?
I know several of these people who receive S.S.I. and yet are working side jobs & getting paid under the table. More money for alcohol & drugs which we all pay for. These same people receive food stamps and turn around and sell the food stamps for more drugs & booze.
Best answer:
Answer by Lkn4trouble
It completes the entitlement circle! If there is a way to screw the system…entitlement abusers are the ones who find it!
And you and I get to foot the BILL!
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Novus Medical Detox Leads Fight against Number One Drug Problem: Alcohol
Filed under: free alcohol rehab
While becoming alcohol-free is the primary goal, patients say they experience newfound respect and care for their total health, making them physically, emotionally and mentally stronger. They are then more capable of completing successful rehab …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
Nov. 8-14 Daily Calendars
Filed under: free alcohol rehab
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), TOPS# AL 502, Lineville, 6 p.m., Lineville Nursing and Rehab chapel, 256-396-2703 or 256-396-5623. … •Celebrate Recovery, 12-step Christ-centered recovery program, free meal 5:30 p.m.; open meetings, 6:30 p.m.; small group …
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