Yoga and Mindfulness as Therapeutic Interventions for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review.
Yoga and mindfulness as therapeutic interventions for stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review.
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 357108
Lazaridou A, Philbrook P, Tzika AA
Aim. This paper reports a systematic review and critical appraisal of the evidence on the effectiveness of behavioral therapies such as yoga and mindfulness practices for stroke rehabilitation. Background. The experience of stroke can have a negative impact on both psychological and physical health and on quality of life. Yoga and relevant practices are promising therapies that have been used with patients with a variety of conditions. In order to draw conclusions on effectiveness for stroke patients, the evidence requires systematic assessment. Methods. A comprehensive search of major biomedical and complementary medicine databases was conducted. Relevant research was categorized by study type and appraised according to study design. Results. Five randomized controlled clinical trials and four single case studies were found. Additionally, one qualitative research study was identified. Studies reported positive results, including improvements in cognition, mood, and balance and reductions in stress. Modifications to different yoga practices make comparison between studies difficult, and a lack of controlled studies precludes any firm conclusions on efficacy. Conclusion. Yoga and mindfulness could be clinically valuable self-administered intervention options for stroke rehabilitation. Further research is needed to evaluate these specific practices and their suitability in stroke rehabilitation. HubMed – rehab
The SOAR Stroke Score Predicts Inpatient and 7-Day Mortality in Acute Stroke.
Stroke. 2013 Jun 18;
Kwok CS, Potter JF, Dalton G, George A, Metcalf AK, Ngeh J, Nicolson A, Owusu-Agyei P, Shekhar R, Walsh K, Warburton EA, Myint PK,
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: An accurate prognosis is useful for patients, family, and service providers after acute stroke. METHODS: We validated the Stroke subtype, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project Classification, Age, and prestroke Rankin stroke score in predicting inpatient and 7-day mortality using data from 8 National Health Service hospital trusts in the Anglia Stroke and Heart Clinical Network between September 2008 and April 2011. RESULTS: A total of 3547 stroke patients (ischemic, 92%) were included. An incremental increase of inpatient and 7-day mortality was observed with increase in Stroke subtype, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project Classification, Age, and prestroke Rankin stroke score. Using a cut-off of ?3, the area under the receiver operator curves values for inpatient and 7-day mortality were 0.80 and 0.82, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A simple score based on 4 easily obtainable variables at the point of care may potentially help predict early stroke mortality. HubMed – rehab
Comparison of Acute Responses to Isotonic or Isokinetic Eccentric Muscle Action: Differential Outcomes in Skeletal Muscle Damage and Implications for Rehabilitation.
Int J Sports Med. 2013 Jun 18;
Alemany JA, Delgado-Díaz DC, Mathews H, Davis JM, Kostek MC
Both isotonic and isokinetic eccentric muscle contractions are commonly used in muscle research laboratories to induce muscle damage, yet, the muscle damage outcomes between these 2 modes of eccentric contraction have not been compared. The purpose of this study was to compare modes of contraction for differences in muscle damage. 16 men were placed in the isotonic (IT: 110% of maximal isometric torque) or the isokinetic (IK: 120°/s) group, with each group performing 200 eccentric muscle actions of the knee extensors. Isometric peak torque, perceived soreness and CK activity were measured immediately pre and post exercise, and 48-h post exercise. Mean total work (~1 700 J) and peak torque per set (~265 Nm) decreased over the 200 repetitions (p<0.01), and was not different between groups. Damage markers changed 48-h post exercise (p<0.05): peak isometric torque (-13%), creatine kinase activity (+200%) and self-perceived muscular soreness (+4 unit change). Significant group×time interactions (p<0.01) indicated that peak isometric torque was 22% lower, and creatine kinase and self-perceived muscular soreness were 330% and 3 unit difference higher in the IT as compared to the IK groups, 48-h post exercise. When equating for total work, skeletal muscle damage markers are higher during IT vs. IK modes. This reflects differences inherent in contraction type and suggests that this should be taken into account during physical rehabilitation. HubMed – rehab
The Effectiveness of Massage in Therapy for Obturator Nerve Dysfunction as Complication of Hip Joint Alloplasty-Case Report.
Rehabil Nurs. 2013 Jun 18;
Kassolik K, Kurpas D, Wilk I, Uchmanowicz I, Hy?y J, Andrzejewski W
The purpose of our case presentation was to reveal effectiveness of medical massage in the therapy for obturator nerve dysfunction as a complication of hip joint alloplasty. DESIGN: Medical massage was carried out in a 58-year-old man after hip joint alloplasty. The aim was to normalize tension of muscle-ligament-fascia apparatus within pelvic girdle and reconstruct correct structural conditions in the course of obturator nerve. METHODS: The methodology included correct positioning and medical massage with individually designed procedures. FINDINGS: Full normalization of muscular tone and subsidence of pain complaints were obtained. CONCLUSIONS: Massage has a positive influence on subsidence of pain complaints; however, effectiveness of the procedure depends on an appropriate methodology. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The presented massage procedure is an effective therapy in obturator nerve dysfunction as complication after alloplasty and it can be one of elements of complex improvement after surgical joint procedures within the scope of nursing rehabilitation. HubMed – rehab
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